It was a fun learning curve for our first convention appearance at the Singapore Comic Convention 2022!!
We would like to thank everyone who visited us, new and old friends from Singapore and the rest of the world. The life-saving friends and family who came back with food and drinks for the crew.... (hugggsss)
Heartfelt gratitude to all the artists who answered our invitation to appear at our booth and bear with our noobness and gave 200% for a great experience to the comic fans in this part of the world.
Glenn Fabry, IVAN TAO, Von Randal, Johnny Lau, Chris Kee, Diogo Campos, and your family who helped patiently at the booths, big big thank you.
Biggest THANKYOU to the event organiser of SGCC - Gen XP for making this possible and it's been an ultimate experience for all.
See ya'll in 2023!! ^^
